Your family may qualify for free or reduced price meals.
As a part of the National School Lunch Program, some students may be eligible for a free or reduced price lunch and breakfast. All families wishing to receive free or reduced meals must complete a new application each school year. If the family received assistance in the previous year, it may continue briefly into the new school year, but without a new application the benefits could stop. It can take up to 10 days to process an application. After the application has been processed, the family will receive a letter stating those benefits for which the family is eligible. Applications are always available in the school office, administration building or online.

Instructions To Apply Online
Meal Benefit Forms can now be submitted online!
Click here for instructions.

Instrucciones para cumplir la forma de beneficios
Haga clic aqui para obtener instrucciones

Meal Application
Complete the Meal Application and submit to determine the benefits your child qualifies for. A NEW form MUST be filled out EVERY school year.

Solicitud de Comida
Complete la solicitud de comidas y envíela para determinar los beneficios a los que califica su hijo DEBE completarse un formulario NUEVO CADA año escolar.

SNAP Online Purchasing Program
Click on the icon above to see a handout explaining how to buy groceries online with your Delaware EBT card!