Parents, we’re here for you. This is your place to find out what’s happening in the world of child nutrition. Bookmark this page so that you can find out what you want to know about helping your child grow up happy and healthy through right diet and exercise. We’ve even got links here to our payment system and menus so that you can know what your child is eating today and tomorrow and even next week! Wish you knew more? Just let us know or browse through our helpful links on this page to help you take care of the ones you care so much about.

Learn More About School Lunch!
When it comes to school meals, who makes the rules? What does school lunch provide to my students? What if I need financial assistance with school meals?

Practice Your Student's Lunch Number With Them!
When students buy breakfast, lunch, or snacks from the cafeteria they have to put in their student number. Try using this worksheet to help your student learn their individual number!

What's In Season This Month?
Click on the barn above to see all of the produce that are in season. There are even some locations where you can find some of the goodies locally!

Recipe of The Month
Click on the icon above to see a recipe you may not have thought of before!

SNAP Online Purchasing Program
Click on the icon above to see a handout explaining how to buy groceries online with your Delaware EBT card!

Tips For Shopping On A Budget
Have you been trying to do a better job sticking to your food budget? Try reading through this article from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to see if these tips can help you stay on budget!

Nutrition And Exercise
While nutrition is specific to each individual person, this article gives a general guide to pre- and post-workout nutirtion.